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These standard terms and conditions are applicable to any services provided by Dedicated LNC (“Consultant”) to its clients (referred to as “Client”):

  1. The Consultant has sole discretion over the method of service delivery and the specific hours worked. Clients trust the Consultant to invest as much time as reasonably necessary to fulfill their responsibilities under this Agreement.
  2. Both parties acknowledge that the Consultant is an independent contractor concerning the Client.
  3. The Consultant is not a lawyer and lacks a legal practice license. When discussing medical-legal matters with the Client, the Consultant’s input should be viewed as opinions rather than legal advice.
  4. The Consultant’s opinions are derived from the medical records and information supplied by the Client. If the data provided is incomplete or illegible, the Consultant will formulate an opinion to the extent possible. The need to review any missing documents may be addressed when relevant and feasible.
  5. The Client understands that the Consultant’s written opinions are based on the medical records, conversations, and the Consultant’s interpretation and expertise. Different consultants or experts reviewing the same records and conversations may arrive at entirely different conclusions. The Consultant does not guarantee that other consultants or experts will concur with their opinions.
  6. During the service provision, the Consultant may receive information from the Client or other sources. In this context:
    • The Consultant will not attempt to verify the reliability of information received from the Client or other sources.
    • The Consultant disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of information provided by the Client.
    • The Consultant is not liable to the Client for any losses or damages arising from fraud, misrepresentation, withholding of material information, or other defaults related to such information, whether on the Client’s part or that of other information sources.
  7. The Consultant is not responsible for any loss or damage to medical records or documents shipped to or from them. Therefore, the Consultant advises the Client to maintain a complete set of all medical records and documents sent to them. The Client should refrain from sending original X-rays, sonograms, CT scans, or MRIs. If the Client believes that these studies are necessary in addition to radiology reports in the medical records, only copies should be sent. The Consultant will assume any received radiology studies are duplicates. The Client agrees to absolve the Consultant and anyone to whom the medical records are sent from liability for any loss or damage to materials provided for review.
  8. Accepting a case for review and opinion does not constitute the Consultant accepting the Client or anyone connected with the Client’s case as a patient.
  9. The Consultant cannot and explicitly does not guarantee a favorable case review from any expert witness recommended to the Client.
  10. The Consultant’s liability is strictly limited to the fees received from the Client. Whether the Client wins or loses their case, incurs additional expenses, or receives less than expected, this is unrelated to the Consultant’s services or opinions, and the Client agrees not to hold the Consultant responsible for any such liabilities.
  11. The Client agrees to indemnify and shield the Consultant from any claims, losses, expenses, fees (including reasonable attorney fees), costs, and judgments arising from the acts or omissions of the Client, the Client’s employees (if any), and the Client’s agents.
  12. The Consultant disclaims all implied warranties inherent in the services provided to the Client, and the Client waives such warranties.